Mindset x Innovation Generator
What this is: The grid helps you identify the best routes to engage each Gen Z mindset with volunteering, donating, fundraising or campaigning. Before you use this, make sure you've read and understood the Gen Z mindsets here.
The colour coding of the blocks uses the traffic light system:
Green is your quick win; it's an easy way to engage Gen Z when in that mindset
Yellow means getting initial interest when in that mindset is harder but there is a high potential upside
Red means engaging with that action is difficult (but not impossible) when in that mindset
How to use it:
Familiarise yourself with the mindsets. If it helps, try printing them out.
Hover over blocks in the grid below for inspiration for an engagement opportunity for different mindsets. Where available, 'click for more'.
Download the blank worksheet to help you review what you already do. You might need to involve relevant teams in the organisation to help fill this in.
Where do you have gaps?
Prioritise your gaps. If your gap is in a green square, that should be the highest priority as it's the real low hanging fruit for your organisation and Gen Z. How can you use this to inform an innovation brief or cycle? How will gaps in the yellow and red squares inform your longer term pipeline of innovation briefs?
Get innovating with the help of opportunity areas and start-points for innovation briefs here.
Occasional Superhero
Constant Champion
Crowd Follower
Benefit Seeker